Dalya Kandil designed mockups for the packaging artwork of a premium dessert wine concept brand for a class offered by CalArts, through Coursera online.
Dalya Kandil created the logo, brand art and packaging concept art for a line of premium herbal tea blends for a class on brand development from CalArts, offered through CourseraOnline.
Dalya Kandil designed the logo, brand identity and labels for BotanIQ, an all-natural supplement line offered by ZeroDay Nutrition, a Texas-based supplement company.
Dalya Kandil designed and rendered crisp and clean 3D product demos and package models with customized labels for the sports and nutrition industry. Visit DalyaKandil.Me to see more work from this web designer and developer.
Dalya Kandil designed logos, color palettes, bottle labels and packaging for Glaxon Pharma, sports nutrition brand, as a subcontract for by ZeroDay Nutrition, a Texas-based supplement company.
Dalya Kandil designed the logo, brand identity and labels for BotanIQ, an all-natural supplement line offered by ZeroDay Nutrition, a Texas-based supplement company. I also created 3D models and illustrations to demo the package designs.