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Web development and content management for a non-profit animal shelter in Texas

Post UpdatedTuesday, May 28th, 2024 at

Web development for Friends for Life, a no-kill shelter based out of Houston, TX

Spring 2012

friends4life.org, 2012 redesign. Designed by Halina Dodd. Developed by Dalya Kandil.
Dalya Kandil was the original web developer for the website launched in 2013.

Halina Dodd of Pennebaker Studios was the original designer for the website launched in 2013.

Design comps are provided for proof originial design implementation which used Expression Engine. The content that is being used does not represent the current brand identity, commercial intentions or business operations of FriendsForLife.org or the designer, Halina Dodd. The dates listed should be seen as approximate. See my website privacy policy page for more information on copyright agreements and fair use.